(disambiguation) was the title of my MFA thesis exhibition which took place April 2-20, 2018 at the CFA Downtown Studio gallery in Albuquerque, New Mexico. It is also the title of a book that I made to serve as my exhibition catalog. Click here to see a pdf version of the book. The title came from my research into the history of cowgirls. In wikipedia, "cowboy" has a regular entry with many pages. "Cowgirl" is a "disambiguation" page. A disambiguation page basically exists to differentiate something from something else that defines it. So the page for cowgirl just directs you to the page for cowboy, stating: "A Cowgirl is the female equivalent of a cowboy." But the cowboy entry is much longer and more detailed than the cowgirl entry and there is a section within the cowboy entry for cowgirls because they are not in fact equivalents at all. Disambiguation means to make something clear, to take away the ambiguity. I find all of this very confusing and interesting.